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Texture Modeling

Key word: Texture synthesis, Texture recognition,etc.

Conditional Generative ConvNets for Exemplar-based Texture Synthesis.
Z.-M. Wang, M.-H. Li, G.-S. Xia.  arXiv:1912.07971, 2019.
[paper] [Code] [Project Page]

Learning the synthesizability of dynamic texture samples.
F. Yang, G.-S. Xia, D. Dai, L. Zhang.
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.28, No.5, pp.2502-2517, 2019.
[paper] [Project Page]

Texture characterization using shape co-occurrence pattern.
G.-S. Xia, G. Liu, X. Bai, L. Zhang.
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.26, No. 10, pp.5005 - 5018, 2017.
[paper] [Code]

Dynamic texture recognition by aggregating spatial and temporal features via ensembles SVMs.
F. Yang, G.-S. Xia, G. Liu, L. Zhang, X. Huang.
Neurocomputing, Vol.173, pp.1310–1321, 2016.

Synthesizing and mixing stationary Gaussian texture models.
Z.-G.-S. Xia, S. Ferradans, G. Peyre, J-F. Aujol.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Science (SIIMS), Vol.7, No.1, pp.476-508, 2014.
[paper] [Code]

Shape-based invariant texture indexing.
G.-S. Xia, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Vol.88, No.3, pp.382-403, 2010.
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Delving into the Synthesizability of Dynamic Texture Samples.
F. Yang, G.-S. Xia, D. Dai, L.Zhang.
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): Beijing, China, 2018.

Texture Synthesis Through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrum Constraints.
G. Liu and Y. Gousseau, G.-S. Xia.
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): Cancun, Mexico, 2016.
[paper] [Code] (Oral)

Stationary dynamic texture synthesis using convolutional neural networks.
F.Yang, G.-S. Xia, L. Zhang, X.
HuangIEEE 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), pp. 1135-1139, 2016.
[paper] (Oral)

Texture analysis with shape co-occurrence patterns.
G. Liu, G.-S. Xia, W. Yang, L. Zhang.
The 22th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.
[paper] (Oral)

Static and dynamic texture mixing with optimal transport.
S. Ferradans, G.-S. Xia, G. Peyre, J-F. Aujol.
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM): Schloss Seggau, Graz region, Austria, 2013.
[paper] (Oral)

Compact representations of stationary dynamic textures.
G-S. Xia, S. Ferradans, G. Peyre, J-F. Aujol.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) : Orlando, USA, 2012.
[paper] (Poster)

Texture segmentation by grouping ellipse ensembles via active contours.
G.-S. Xia, F. Yuan.
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) : Dundee, Scotland, 2011.
[paper] (Poster)

Locally invariant texture analysis from the topographical map.
G.-S. Xia, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau.
The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): Tampa, Florida, USA, 2008.
[paper] (Oral)